Service Img


Optimising Kinetic Power

Partner: UWT

We installed a stand-alone KINEXT flywheel to support a crane at the UWT (United Waalhaven Terminals) terminal in the Port of Rotterdam.

What it is

Our unique flywheel technology enables large amounts of energy to be stored at very high efficiency rates (92%) with an exceptionally short response time. Read more about our innovative technology. The KINEXT technology enables storage of the energy generated by a crane lowering a container and supplies the peak power required when lifting one.

What it does

When a crane is lifting a load, the high power needed is supplied by the KINEXT flywheel. When a crane is lowering a load it generates energy that is stored in the flywheel. When the crane is idle the flywheel is charged by the grid. This once diesel-electric powered crane is now completely electric, without the need for an upgrade of the terminal’s grid connection.

Why it’s important

The terminal is able to continue using their standard low voltage connection. The flywheel supplies the crane with the peak power when lifting a container. Eliminating the use of diesel for this crane avoids 500 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.

This KINEXT flywheel is our latest project, installed September 2023, and supported by the Sustainable Energy Solutions Programme of the City of Rotterdam.


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